No commercial building in the Town of Peshtigo shall be started until a building permit has been issued nor occupied until a “Business Occupancy Certificate” has been issued. This includes “change of use” for commercial buildings.  Ref: Sec 60-18 Zoning Verification Permit

The Town of Peshtigo requires a commercial building permit be requested for new commercial construction in the city and for significant repair or remodeling of commercial structures. The Town will only do plan review for determining if the project meets the requirements of their local ordinances. The Town Building Inspector will not do structural plan review for commercial construction projects. The need for obtaining a permit for minor restoration or for the repair of an installation to bring it back to previous code compliance will be determined by the Town Building Inspector.

Town of Peshtigo Expectations

An applicant for a commercial permit agrees to make their site available for state, county or local inspection. The applicant also agrees to maintain the site to ensure emergency fire and rescue would have access to all areas of the project for inspection or emergency calls. The town expects all commercial and multifamily construction to comply with the State Commercial Building codes (SPS 360-366) plus any appendices, the state fire codes, adopted national and state electrical and plumbing codes and accessibility requirements as defined by Federal Disabilities Act. The city expects that applicants will research if any U. S. Army Corp of Engineers or DNR permits are needed for the project and obtain them if required. The town will cooperate with outside agencies to assist them with enforcement whenever jurisdiction allows.In addition to State codes the town expects applicant to comply with local ordinances and practices that relate to aspects of commercial and multifamily.

Town concerns generally fall into the following areas;

• Storm water curb basins in area of the construction site that could receive storm water or soil from the construction site need to be protected during construction.

• Provide a sanitary facility for on site workers.

• Building material waste must be contained on site.

• Dumpsters or other holding containers will need to be covered or designed to prevent waste materials from moving off site.

• NO burning of construction waste materials is permitted on site.

• Erosion control to protect State water and wetlands.

• Compliance with the zoning requirements for the intended commercial project.

• Compliance with industrial park requirements such as set back and design.

• Sign placement and size and illumination.

• Public exterior lighting.

• Parking and road access.

• Erosion control.

• Fencing for public safety during construction.

• Fire and emergency vehicle access during construction.

• Noise and environmental pollution control.


A copy of building plans for all multifamily and commercial projects must be filed with the town. 

The level of  local inspection will depend on the size of project and application  of town ordinances anticipated by the project. 

The Town Building Inspector will not do structural plan review for commercial construction projects.

FOR STATE INSPECTIONS     Contact State Inspector Ryan Geiger 608-235-7405 (email

Architect stamped plan required for buildings between 25,000 & 50,000 cubic feet. 

State approved plans required when building is over 50,000 cubic feet -   

Follow State Commercial Code Subchapter III Comm 61.30 and tables 61-30-1 to 61-30-3.

• Whenever the state code requires a project plans to be stamped by a registered professional engineer or architect --- a copy bearing the seal and any recommendations will need to be filed with the city application for a construction permit.

• Whenever state code requires projects plans to be reviewed by the State --- an approved stamped copy along with the recommendations will need to be given to the town with your application.

• All other plans need to be drawn to scale and provide enough detail to allow for review of structural, mechanical and public safety requirements. Contractor developed plans will be accepted for projects that are not required to have state approved plans or sealed architect plans by state statute.  The town retains the right to require plan review of any contractor developed plans by an independent certified professional or approved reviewer at the expense of the applicant when local building inspector deems it necessary.


1. 1.The town requires all owners or agents to follow SPS-361 for determination of the need for calling for required state inspections.

2. The town inspector will only enforce city ordinances and will not be do commercial structural, electrical or mechanical code inspections. 

  If any questionable practices are observed by the town building inspector in these areas at any inspection, the concern will be discussed with the owner or on site    supervisor. If it can’t be resolved the local inspector will request state inspector review.

3. The applicant will give the building inspector copies of any written compliance orders or approved occupancy notifications issued by outside inspectors. 

4. If the project is required by state code to have special site supervision the name of that individual will be provided to the building inspector.

5. When the project is required by state codes to have on-site commercial electrical or plumbing inspections those inspections are to be completed by state inspectors at the expense of the owner or agent and copies of any issued orders by them be sent to the building inspector.

6. Construction documents are to be available to local fire department officials for inspection and verification of vehicle and firefighter access.

Storm Water Retention Ponds

For projects that required the DNR erosion control permits the general contractor must also provide a documentation of long term maintenance for storm structures per requirements of Wisconsin DNR 528 and other transfer of responsibility agreements.



Because the scope of projects range from small and simple to very large and complex no specific “fill in the blank” application form has been developed for the town commercial building permit application. Instead we ask that you provide the following information in documents of your choice.   Send them with one copy of the building plan and fee payment to building inspector.

Owner information:

Company Name     ——   Address:   ——   Building site addresss if different from company address:

Contact information for company representative responsible for project or on site supervisor: 

Name   —— Title ———  Phone:  and email

Project description information :   (Provide those that apply for the project.)

Total land area disturbed for project: (Erosion Control Area)

Describe any wet land or other special protected areas.

Will any areas be fenced for public safety during construction or after construction? 

Parking areas: # of stalls.

Number of handicapped parking stalls. Specify for van or regular vehicle.

Will parking area be paved?     (Size of proposed paved area in square feet.)

Portion of land area used for structure.  ——  Portion of land area for green space.   —————Portion of land area retained for future expansion 

Intended permanent signage .  (See signage permit requirements)