Town of Peshtigo

Application for emergency address number. FEE is $75

Provide the following information:

Requesting new address for property to be placed at an existing road culvert.     (yes )    (no)

Requesting new address for property to be placed at a new driveway.      (yes )    (no)

Does this driveway serve more than one address.  ( yes )    ( no )       If yes how many __________

With modern GPS navigation it is very important to have accurate measurements for the assignment of emergency address numbers. For this reason I will need to have an exact physical marker placed along the road for the location of where a culvert will be located if a culvert does not already exist.  You must mark that spot on site by a lath / flagged post placed at the right of way that clearly identifies where the driveway will be located.

Draw arrow pointing to north.

I need to measure from the 911 numbers you provide for the next driveways near you to your driveway to determine your number. Please be sure to clearly mark with a flag or other means the driveway culvert where this address will be assigned if not obvious at site or there are culverts that do not have an assigned number near yours..

Nearest existing Emergency number to left when facing your property

Center of drive for address request.

Nearest existing emergency number to right when facing your property.

Road name.

Property Owner _________________________________________  

Phone or email  so I can notify you of address number _______________________________________

Tax Parcel number _________________________________________   


 If a recorded subdivision provide…      Lot number ______    Subdivision  name_______________________________

Property Zoning    ______________________________________________

Reminder:  If this address request is for a new drive way that will require a new culvert and exits on a State Hwy you probably will need the Wisconsin Department of Transportation approval or permit.

If it exits onto a Marinette County Road contact them and get their approval and provide that permit number. _____________________________

If it exits onto a Town road you will also need to make an application for a drive way  and  culvert

Send application and fee check to Tom Smith Inspections LLC      2740 Otto Court     Green Bay     Wisconsin   54313