Town of Kaukauna Sign Permit Application

Make a sign permit application by sending the following information to the Building Inspector.


It might take a few weeks to process.

Tom Smith Inspections LLC

2740 Otto Court

Green Bay WI 54313

Sign Owner:               __________________________________________________________________________

Owner address:                   ______________________________________________________________________

Provide contact information by phone or email:  ____________________________________________________

Name of business where sign will be placed:  ________________________________________________________

Contact person at that business:                 ___________________________________________________________

Provide contact information by  phone or email:  _____________________________________________________

Zoning classification for the site:                 ___________________________________________________________

New or replacement upgrade?                      ___________________________________________________________

Supporting documents:

Specific location of the sign shown on a site plan.

Graphic  depiction or photo showing sign appearance.

Sign size and type:.   

A reasonable description of  sign durability in the environment and anchorage  or required foundation support.

Conventional lighting plans or will there be LED or  motion display panels.

Attach Permit Fee  - One dollar per square foot of display surface.         (Check payable to Tom Smith Inspections LLC)